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Customer Happiness – September 2014

happiness report

Hey there! We’ve got our support metrics for the month of September geared up to share smile . We stumbled a bit in our goals this month, but we’re pretty sure we know why and can fix this in the coming months.

While our apps probably didn’t look much different this month, our development team was hard at work building on some performance enhancements to make our apps as reliable and fast as possible, so they deserve a shout out for this month even though they don’t show up on happiness reports.

So without further ado, here are the September stats with the comparison to our August report:

Number % Change
Customers Helped 200 increased 8%
Tickets Opened 271 0% change
Happiness Rating 95% 0% change
Satisfaction Rating 100% increased 5%
Average Time to First Reply 7h 53m increased 23%
Average Replies per Ticket 1.56 decreased 5%
Average Response Time 12h 02m increased 32%
Percent Replies within 12hr 68% decreased 12%



To be honest, there’s not much we’re super happy about with this month, but we’ll take it. We were able to increase our satisfaction rating on tickets to 100% which is a great milestone to hit. We had 20 ticket ratings this month, only 1 of which was rated “satisfied” instead of “happy”. We’re really glad that, despite some fluctuation in ticket handle times, we were able to still provide the same quality support to our customers.

Tied to this, we’re happy that the satisfaction rating stayed high, and one of our goals is to always maintain this number.


We’re a bit disappointed in our handle times for tickets this month. A major part of our team was occupied with a relocation this month, and while we tried to shuffle our support schedule around this, it seems that it still affected our response times in terms of first response, average response, and responses within 12 hours. We were able to cut down the number of responses needed to solve tickets, but we know how important it is to you to have a quick response, even if it’s just an update that someone is looking into your ticket.


We’ll obviously be working to reduce our ticket handle times again, which should be easier to meet this month with our teammates now settled in their new locations. Our goal is to make sure our first response time is within 4-5 hours, and that the wide majority of responses are sent within 12 hours.

Have any questions about our support metrics or things you like or dislike? We’re all ears!

Thanks again for using our apps smile .

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Beka Rice

Content Manager at ShopStorm
Beka is our resident content crafter and service coach. She maintains our knowledge base / app documentation, helps handle customer inquiries, and works to improve our service team.

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