Customer Happiness – May 2016

happiness report

Howdy! Today we’re breaking down our customer service team’s performance metrics for May. Our happiness reports give us a way to constantly evaluate our performance and to share our goals publicly for each month.

In May, we looked to improve happiness ratings while maintaining our previous decreases in average response times. We also wanted to increase replies within 12 hours. Here’s how May Read More…

Customer Happiness – March 2016

happiness report

Our happiness reports let everyone get a look at how our customer service performs in a given month, and today we’ll be looking at March’s metrics.

Our goals for the month were to increase happiness and satisfaction ratings, along with maintaining average response times. While we met the goal for satisfaction ratings, we weren’t able to meet our goals for response times.

Here’s how March Read More…

Customer Happiness – February 2016

happiness report

2016 is moving right along smile Time for another look into our customer service team for February! Our happiness reports let everyone get some insight into how our customer service performs in a given month with respect to average response times and customer satisfaction.

In February, we wanted to work towards maintaining happiness ratings while reducing average response times. We knew this would be a tall Read More…

Shopify Product Customizer 2.0

Shopify Product Customizer

We have some really exciting news to share today, as we’ve been working on a new version of Product Customizer for quite some time now, and we’re releasing these changes to shops throughout this week!

We’ve spent the past year completely re-architecting the app to make it a lot more flexible for merchants’ needs. After helping thousands of Shopify merchants set up stores that sell personalized or customized products, it was clear to us that we’d need to make some changes to support stores of all different kinds of sizes to help them sell various types of products. Our new and (vastly) improved Product Customizer is what came out of all of those learning experiences.
Read More…

Customer Happiness – January 2016

happiness report

Time for our first happiness report of 2016! Our happiness reports let everyone publicly keep tabs on how our customer service performs in terms of conversations answered, happiness ratings, and average response times.

In January, we wanted to work towards decreased average response times while maintaining happiness ratings. We are Read More…