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New Shopify Features are Coming

Shopify Announcements

Since we’re part of the Shopify developer program, we get news on upcoming changes to Shopify before they’re released. Today we wanted to share a few new Shopify features with you that we think are pretty cool that will be coming to Shopify soon.

1. Variant Images

In order to change your images based on which variant is selected, you need to use a free Shopify app called variant images. However, this feature will be coming to the core platform soon. You’ll be able to link variant images to the variant that’s selected. This will ensure that our product image is changed based on which option the customer selects.

This will also let you link directly to a variant rather than just linking to the product page. You’ll need to ask your theme developer if your theme will support variant images, as themes will require updates to do so.

2. Responsive Checkout

The Shopify checkout process is being updated with a mobile first design. The checkout will be a single-page, responsive checkout that can be styled by your theme developer to match your theme.

As our Happy Ending app integrates with the Shopify checkout / Thank You page, we’re already looking into this to ensure that it’s updated and ready for these changes smile .

3. Theme Internationalization

International stores will be happy about this one. A theme translation engine has been introduced for theme development in different languages. The goal is to let you can change your active storefront language with the touch of a button.


The Variant Images will be released first at the end of this month or beginning of September, and the other new Shopify options will be integrated into Shopify shortly after this change.

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Beka Rice

Content Manager at ShopStorm
Beka is our resident content crafter and service coach. She maintains our knowledge base / app documentation, helps handle customer inquiries, and works to improve our service team.

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