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Customer Happiness – January 2016

happiness report

Time for our first happiness report of 2016! Our happiness reports let everyone publicly keep tabs on how our customer service performs in terms of conversations answered, happiness ratings, and average response times.

In January, we wanted to work towards decreased average response times while maintaining happiness ratings. We are happy to say that we were able to meet both goals last month smile

Here’s how January compared to our our December report:

Number % Change
Customers Helped 318 increased 27%
Conversations Opened 434 increased 31%
Happiness Rating 100% no change
Satisfaction Rating 100% no change
Average Time to First Reply 8h 56m decreased 17%
Average Replies per Conversation 3.37 decreased 6%
Average Response Time 10h 48m decreased 1%
Percent Replies within 12hr 88% decreased 1%


Despite a large increase in customers helped and conversations opened this month, we were able to maintain happiness ratings and decrease first response times. We also had a very marginal decrease in overall average response time, but we were please to get to first responses quicker.


Despite decreases in first response and average response time, our replies within 12 hours dipped just a tad this month. We managed new conversations better, but this means we can manage existing conversations better as well.


In February we’ll look to maintain happiness ratings and average first response time, while reducing overall average response time and getting more replies within 12 hours.

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Beka Rice

Content Manager at ShopStorm
Beka is our resident content crafter and service coach. She maintains our knowledge base / app documentation, helps handle customer inquiries, and works to improve our service team.

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