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Customer Happiness – June 2015

happiness report

I hope our friends in the U.S. enjoyed the holiday weekend, and Happy Independence Day smile . As always, a new month means a look at our customer service team’s progress, so we’re going to examine our support team’s metrics for June.

Our happiness reports are public so that you can can insight into how our support team works, and so we can make goals publicly to be accountable for them. Our goals from May were: (1) maintain our improvements in response times and (2) bring satisfaction ratings back to 100%.

I’m pretty happy to be able to write another post where we’re meeting these goals!

Here’s how June compared to our our May report:

Number % Change
Customers Helped 290 increased 2%
Tickets Opened 438 increased 6%
Happiness Rating 100% increased 4%
Satisfaction Rating 100% increased 1%
Average Time to First Reply 7h 58m decreased 4%
Average Replies per Ticket 3.00 decreased 9%
Average Response Time 8h 4m decreased 11%
Percent Replies within 12hr 84% decreased 1%


We’re obviously loving these metrics, and we’re definitely pleased to hit under 8 hours to our first reply. We have a fairly small team and everyone has multiple responsibilities, so no one is doing support all day, every day. As a result, we stagger our support times so that each of us takes some time during the day to make sure your emails or answered, and this is a sign that we’re getting better at managing this rotation.

Bumping happiness and satisfaction ratings back up is always great to see as well.


While a slight decrease in replies within 12 hours looks like a downside, this is still okay. We’d typically have some responses within the 12-24 hour range, some 24-48 hours, and maybe one or two that required bug fixes that went over that (though very rarely). However, despite the 1% decrease in replies within 12 hours, no response went over the 48 hour range, which means that any emails coming in over weekend hours are getting answered immediately when support coverage resumes.


July goals are to keep this momentum! We want to maintain our response times and happiness ratings, and continue to decrease first response times as much as our current structure allows.

Hope you’re all enjoying the summer (in the northern hemisphere at least!) so far, and that Q2 is off to a great start for your shop smile .

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Beka Rice

Content Manager at ShopStorm
Beka is our resident content crafter and service coach. She maintains our knowledge base / app documentation, helps handle customer inquiries, and works to improve our service team.

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