App of the Month: Automate Twitter Posts on Shopify

social selling through Shopify

Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool for your Shopify store. You can use Twitter as a sales channel to let Twitter users purchase your products directly from the social platform. You can also automate Twitter posts so that your followers don’t miss any announcements.

There are a number of third-party platforms that you can use to automate social media posts. These are robust tools for a variety of social platforms. But, if you are only focused on Twitter for now, you can use the FREE Social Autopilot app for Shopify to automate some of your tweets.

Automate Twitter posts – Social Autopilot app

The Social Autopilot app by Bold makes it easy for you to automate tweets for newly published products or blog posts on your Shopify store. Each time you create and publish products or posts, the app will automatically select a random post template.

The free app doesn’t require any coding knowledge. You can change settings within the app with helpful instructions and details on the settings page.

settings to automate twitter

Change settings to optimize tweets

Automate Twitter posts – App settings

You can change a number of settings for your app based on your preference and audience. Currently, the app allows you to connect only one Twitter account on which tweets are posted.

Let’s take a look at the settings you can adjust:

Time of tweets
You can choose for your tweets to be posted any time during the day or only during specific times. To post any time during the day, leave the “From” and “To” fields blank.

Tweets receive the most clicks during early morning hours, and most retweets and likes during evenings and late nights.

We recommend picking specific times during the day to post tweets. According to research by Buffer, tweets during early morning hours appear to get the most clicks. Tweets receive the most number of retweets and likes during evenings or late night hours.

Based on your goal, you can select which time of day your tweets should be published. The app uses the time zone of your store. So, if your primary audience is in a different time zone, make sure to adjust your publishing settings accordingly.

What to post
You can select whether you want to publish tweets for new products, new blog posts, or both. For each of these, you can set a delay from the time of publishing, and create 4 tweet templates.

Post delay
You can delay the tweets to be published after a set number of hours from when you publish new products or blog posts. You may want to use this option in case you have to prepare any other marketing efforts, for example, email newsletters, in which you typically announce new products or posts first.

4 post templates
You can create 4 different post templates for the app to choose at random when publishing a tweet. This creates some variety in your tweets which can make them seem less user-created.

In total, you can create 8 unique tweet templates – 4 for new products and 4 for blog posts. In each template, you can use shortcodes to include the product or post title, and the URL that redirects people to your store site.

post templates to automate twitter

Create 4 different post templates

Automate Twitter posts – Summary

The Social Autopilot app lets you create 4 different tweets for new products or blog posts. The app takes the worry out of posting announcements on Twitter whenever a new product or post is published.

Here is a video by the developers. Note that the app no longer supports Facebook posts.

Which social platform do you market your Shopify products on and do you use an automation app? Tell us in the comments.

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Jai Sangha

Content Specialist
Jai helps ShopStorm app users earn more via their Shopify stores by writing about helpful shop tips and useful apps.

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