Supercharging your Shopify Receipts: Receiptful

Receiptful Shopify receipt emails

As you’re all winding down with the 2014 holiday season, we hope you’re all looking forward to some much deserved downtime! However, we know a lot of you are considering ways to ensure that your Q1 revenues for 2015 don’t take the typical after-holiday dive. There are lots of strategies to use to boost your January sales (here are 7 tips from KISSmetrics), and we wanted to fill you in on a new app that can help drive conversions for your store to avoid the after-Christmas sales dip.

You can even use it for free. Read More…

Improve your Shopify Pinterest Strategy

Shopify Pinterest

Social media marketing is a great way to raise brand awareness, but it’s typically not known for having a great conversion rate – especially when compared to search or email traffic.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should give up on optimizing your social media channels for selling! One of the best ways to do so is by driving traffic via Pinterest.

Yep, Pinterest. Not Facebook. While Facebook does generate significant Read More…

4 Tips to Launch or Expand your Shopify Catalog

You’ve got a great business idea, and you want to get it off the ground immediately. You start to look at retail locations that will generate the right kind a traffic based on your ideal customer, and price out rent, utilities, inventory, upkeep, renovation costs, insurance…are your eyes glazing over yet? Mine, too. Launching a retail store can be expensive.

This is why many of us Read More…

How to Accept Recurring Payments with Shopify

Recurring payments with Shopify

Shopify is a great eCommerce platform that supports many types of stores. However, the basic Shopify options may not support the features that your store needs to manage or sell your products effectively. That’s where the Shopify app marketplace comes into play. There are tons of great apps for Shopify that add the functionality you need to your store, and most of them can be installed in just a couple of clicks.

Launch your store

Launching a Shopify store is very simple – you can even give it a 14 day free trial to see how you like it. Right now is the perfect time to launch a Shopify store, as the annual Build a Business competition is going on at the moment, so you could win great prizes for Read More…

5 Reasons to Use Shopify Product Reviews

Shopify Product Reviews

One of my favorite things about Amazon is being able to read customer reviews before I make purchases. I buy everything from TVs to hair conditioner on Amazon, and I love hearing from other customers that have purchased the products I’m checking out.

Even if your store isn’t Amazon (and it probably shouldn’t be) you can still benefit greatly from including product reviews in your Shopify store. Read More…

App Recommendation: StoreMapper

Hey ShopStorm Fans! As we try out different apps ourselves or for clients, we try to keep a list of apps to recommend. Sometimes our own customers also fill us on apps they love to use, so we try to share information about great apps whenever we can.

We’ve got a new app recommendation for you today that will make it really easy to share your retail or distribution centers on your Shopify store: StoreMapper.

What does it do?

StoreMapper is a stand-alone app that can map locations for stores, events, and more (you can also sign up through the Shopify app store). The app is very easy to use, and can Read More…

Add Instagram to Shopify Websites

Shopify Instagram

Promoting your products on Instagram is a great way to showcase more images of your products or to show them in action. You can also get involved with customers and build relationships that encourage brand loyalty for years to come. Add Instagram to Shopify websites to show off products, encourage customers to share photos of your products in action, and to get in touch with loyal customers to build brand advocacy.

Fortunately, adding Instagram to almost any part of your store is Read More…